Submission #3603042

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define countof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a))

#define vi vector<int>
#define vvi vector<vector<int> >
#define vpi vector<pi >
#define pi pair<int,int>
#define mp make_pair
#define fi first
#define se second
#define all(n) n.begin(), n.end()

#define FROMTO(var, from, to) for (register int var = (from), var##down = ((int)(to)) < ((int)(from));var##down ? (var >= (int)(to)) : (var <= (int)(to));var##down ? var-- : var++)
#define UPTO(var, from, to)   for (register int var = (from); var <= ((int)to); var++)
#define DOWNTO(var, from, to) for (register int var = (from); var >= ((int)to); var--)
#define FOR(var, to)          UPTO(var, 0, (to)-1)
#define DOWN(var, from)       DOWNTO(var, (from)-1, 0) 

#define INIT(var, val) FOR(i,countof(var)) var[i] = val
#define INPUT(var) FOR(i,countof(var)) cin >> var[i]
#define INPUT1(var) FOR(i,countof(var)) cin >> var[i], var[i]--

#define SORT(v) qsort(v,countof(v),sizeof(*v),int_less)
#define SORTT(v) qsort(v,countof(v),sizeof(*v),int_greater)
#define QSORT(v,b) qsort(v,countof(v),sizeof(*v),b)

#define MOD 1000000007
#define INF ((1 << 30)-1)
#define LINF ((1LL << 62)-1)

typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef int8_t s8;
typedef int16_t s16;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef int64_t s64;

struct Comb {
    vector<vector<s64> > data;
    Comb(int n) { // O(n^2)
        data = vector<vector<s64> >(n+1,vector<s64>(n+1,1));
        UPTO(i,1,n) {
            FOR(j,i+1) {
                if (!j || j == i) data[i][j] = 1;
                else data[i][j] = data[i-1][j-1] + data[i-1][j];
    s64 ncr(int n, int r) {
        return data[n][r];

static inline int ri() {
  int a;
  scanf("%d", &a);
  return a;

int int_less(const void *a, const void *b) {
  return (*((const int*)a) - *((const int*)b));
int int_greater(const void *a, const void *b) {
  return (*((const int*)b) - *((const int*)a));

struct Graph {
	int n;
	vector<vector<pair<int, s64> > > hen;
	// result of Bellman–Ford
	vector<vector<s64> > BF;
	set<int> bf_completed;
	Graph(int n) { // O(N)
		hen.resize(n, vector<pair<int, s64> >());
		BF.resize(n, vector<s64>());
		this->n = n;
	int spfa(int k) {
		vector<bool> inque(n,false);
		vector<int> updated(n,0);
		BF[k][k] = 0;
		queue<int> que;
		inque[k] = true;
		while (que.size()) {
			int i = que.front(); que.pop();
			int n_hen = hen[i].size();
			FOR(j,n_hen) {
				if (BF[k][hen[i][j].fi] > BF[k][i] + hen[i][j].se) {
					BF[k][hen[i][j].fi] = BF[k][i] + hen[i][j].se;
					if (!inque[hen[i][j].fi]) {
						inque[hen[i][j].fi] = true;
			inque[i] = false;
		return -1;
	s64 shortest(int from, int to) {
		return BF[from][to];
	void add_hen(int from, int to, s64 cost, bool muki) {
		hen[from].push_back(mp(to, cost));
		if (!muki) hen[to].push_back(mp(from, cost));
// Graph.dfs : O(N)
// Graph.dij : O(N+MlogM)
//  : O(NM)
//  : O(N^3)
// Graph.reachable
// Graph.shortest

int hen0_to[100000];
int hen0_cost[100000];
int hen0;
int hen1_to[100000];
int hen1_cost[100000];
int hen1;

int main() {
    int n = ri();
	int m = ri();
	int s = ri()-1;
	int t = ri()-1;
	Graph yen(n);
	Graph snuke(n);
	FOR(i,m) {
		int a = ri()-1;
		int b = ri()-1;
	s64 cost[n];
	FOR(i,n) {
		cost[i] = yen.shortest(s,i) + snuke.shortest(t,i);
	s64 mini[n];
	DOWN(i,n) {
		if (i == n-1) mini[i] = cost[i];
		else mini[i] = min(mini[i+1], cost[i]);
	FOR(i,n) {
		cout << 1000000000000000LL-mini[i] << endl;
    return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - Saving Snuuk
User QCFium
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 400
Code Size 3988 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 331 ms
Memory 24704 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘int ri()’:
./Main.cpp:62:18: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   scanf("%d", &a);

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 400 / 400
AC × 2
AC × 56
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sampleRnd.txt, sampleT.txt
All 00yorimichi.txt, 11_0.txt, 11_1.txt, 11_2.txt, 11_3.txt, 11_4.txt, 1n1m1.txt, 1oo_0.txt, 1oo_1.txt, 1oo_2.txt, 1oo_3.txt, 1oo_4.txt, dangou_0.txt, dangou_1.txt, dangou_2.txt, dangou_3.txt, dangou_4.txt, edge.txt, high_0.txt, high_1.txt, high_2.txt, high_3.txt, high_4.txt, low_0.txt, low_1.txt, low_2.txt, low_3.txt, low_4.txt, oo1_0.txt, oo1_1.txt, oo1_2.txt, oo1_3.txt, oo1_4.txt, path_0.txt, path_1.txt, path_2.txt, path_3.txt, path_4.txt, path_5.txt, rnd_0.txt, rnd_1.txt, rnd_2.txt, rnd_3.txt, rnd_4.txt, sampleRnd.txt, sampleT.txt, slast_0.txt, slast_1.txt, slast_2.txt, slast_3.txt, slast_4.txt, tlast_0.txt, tlast_1.txt, tlast_2.txt, tlast_3.txt, tlast_4.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00yorimichi.txt AC 233 ms 24056 KB
11_0.txt AC 247 ms 19220 KB
11_1.txt AC 86 ms 11776 KB
11_2.txt AC 131 ms 12920 KB
11_3.txt AC 299 ms 24452 KB
11_4.txt AC 274 ms 21092 KB
1n1m1.txt AC 185 ms 15960 KB
1oo_0.txt AC 219 ms 18344 KB
1oo_1.txt AC 231 ms 19220 KB
1oo_2.txt AC 54 ms 8704 KB
1oo_3.txt AC 245 ms 20092 KB
1oo_4.txt AC 223 ms 19220 KB
dangou_0.txt AC 52 ms 9216 KB
dangou_1.txt AC 147 ms 12984 KB
dangou_2.txt AC 275 ms 19932 KB
dangou_3.txt AC 45 ms 6272 KB
dangou_4.txt AC 331 ms 24704 KB
edge.txt AC 316 ms 24696 KB
high_0.txt AC 72 ms 7936 KB
high_1.txt AC 90 ms 10240 KB
high_2.txt AC 290 ms 22960 KB
high_3.txt AC 9 ms 1664 KB
high_4.txt AC 227 ms 18024 KB
low_0.txt AC 63 ms 11008 KB
low_1.txt AC 65 ms 9344 KB
low_2.txt AC 255 ms 20944 KB
low_3.txt AC 220 ms 19420 KB
low_4.txt AC 139 ms 13416 KB
oo1_0.txt AC 249 ms 21340 KB
oo1_1.txt AC 191 ms 17100 KB
oo1_2.txt AC 147 ms 14232 KB
oo1_3.txt AC 94 ms 11904 KB
oo1_4.txt AC 135 ms 13992 KB
path_0.txt AC 262 ms 21168 KB
path_1.txt AC 258 ms 21168 KB
path_2.txt AC 119 ms 10460 KB
path_3.txt AC 157 ms 13104 KB
path_4.txt AC 80 ms 7296 KB
path_5.txt AC 232 ms 18524 KB
rnd_0.txt AC 233 ms 18972 KB
rnd_1.txt AC 319 ms 23336 KB
rnd_2.txt AC 17 ms 2432 KB
rnd_3.txt AC 286 ms 21968 KB
rnd_4.txt AC 149 ms 13264 KB
sampleRnd.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sampleT.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
slast_0.txt AC 234 ms 18348 KB
slast_1.txt AC 64 ms 8192 KB
slast_2.txt AC 286 ms 22960 KB
slast_3.txt AC 158 ms 14216 KB
slast_4.txt AC 250 ms 19972 KB
tlast_0.txt AC 83 ms 10368 KB
tlast_1.txt AC 210 ms 17228 KB
tlast_2.txt AC 266 ms 22088 KB
tlast_3.txt AC 304 ms 24580 KB
tlast_4.txt AC 297 ms 24580 KB